Monday, January 12, 2009

The Banana Song

Here is a retro Banana song. You will know all there it is to know about these yellow thingy. I like the song makes me remember my greater greater greater granny.

Weirdo Wild Strawberry Song

Friday, January 2, 2009

Fruit Art- Its so funny

Hey I found out this cool vid of funny sort of things created out of fruits. Watch it and have fun..

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Yipee..Yo Yo 2009

I heard it from my Mom yesterday. Something strange called a 'New Year Resolution'. I was wondering what these new words meant. She explained it to me. "Resolutions are the little promises that we make at the begining of a new year. " Unlike the usual promises, these promises are made to ourselves. Quite frankly I found this so funny.
But there are funnier resolutions....go to & discover how funny resolutions can get.

I have made some new year resolutions for myself too :
1) I will get more fruitier than ever before
2) I will make fruit eating more fun based
3) I will ensure my siblings have a gala time (guess which fruits do they represent...keep guessing till they come ;) )